Global PR is a fantasy dreamed by International PR companies to generate business? I believe that global public relations is a reality because in today’s world, multinational organisations have the need to communicate with an enormous amount of audiences.
International PR agencies can offer this type of service. Not only to generate business but also, and most importantly to make good use of the money and time of their clients.
International PR agencies can develop and implement an effective PR campaign for an organisation that operates and targets audiences situated in different countries.
How can they do that? International PR agencies have an international network with local offices in different countries. These local branches have a deeper knowledge, including language, culture and values, also having already gained experience and built contact networks and relations. Therefore, an international PR agency can tailor the messages to the needs of a specific public.
An organisation and its PR agency will create objectives that are global, but some strategies and tactics will be local and tailored to audiences.
This idea can be understood in four simple words “THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY.”
In the last few decades the necessity of communicating with international audiences has created the need for effective global PR campaigns and international PR agencies to implement them. International PR has been shaped by today’s world. Governments, organisations and multinationals should always thinking globally but act locally.
Check out how a Pete Pederson, Edelman Seattle, explains how they did the global PR campaign for the launch of Halo 2: