In the Anglo-Saxon countries the debate around the feminisation of public relations is in vogue. Interestingly enough I Google “mujeres y relaciones públicas” and I did not get a single article about this topic. This made me think that this issue (if it is an issue) was only happening in the UK and US.
After reading a few articles, statistics and studies I came to the conclusion that the feminisation of public relations is a really but, also, that they are not promoted into highest positions within the agencies and in-house organisations.
Is this bad or good? Well, I would have to say that I do not know and it is very subjective because each individual is different and maybe particular circumstances have not given the opportunity to women to be in bigger positions. I do believe that women are more than capable to excel in their work and both genders should have equal opportunities and salaries.
Once a person asked me if I was proud that Michelle Bachelet won the Chilean presidential elections. I answer that I did not mind who won as long as he or she was a good leader.
In this century in most countries, women have great opportunities to develop professionally. More and more young girls are going to university and recent graduate girls are eager to work hard. I currently we can see many examples of exceptional women leading in different industries.
Two views on "Women in Public Relations: How Gender Influences Practice" is an article reviewing the book and talking about the feminisation of public relations in the UK.